This online platform uses data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite and shows the daily total column water vapour across the globe, as well as monthly, seasonal and yearly moving averages.
Water vapour is one of the major components in the atmosphere with strong impacts on the earth's climate and weather. Water vapour absorbs radiation in the infrared spectral range and its abundance in the atmosphere, making it the most important natural greenhouse gas.
The Total Column Water Vapour (TCWV) generated by S5P-PAL is a pre-operational TROPOMI product. In contrast to other satellite sensors, TROPOMI provides daily global measurements of TCWV over land and ocean.
The TCWV retrieval algorithm using the visible blue spectral band was originally developed by DLR for GOME-2 and optimized for TROPOMI in the framework of the S5P-PAL project.
The total column water vapour map shown here is measured by the Tropomi instrument on the Sentinel 5 Precursor satellite. The Tropomi measurements are performed in the visible part of the spectrum. More information on the Tropomi total column water vapour measurements and quality assessment can be found in the Product Readme file.